Section Education de l'Ambassade de la République de Corée

Appel à candidature de la bourse KDI

2016-03-31 20:56
Appel à candidature de la bourse KDI 

Pour le détail, veuillez consulter les brochures ci- joint ou le site internet :

----Lettre de Président de KDI----

It is my sincere pleasure to inform you that KDI School of Public Policy and Management has
full and partial scholarship opportunities available for outstanding individuals from your
country for Fall 2016 admissions. 

With this scholarship opportunity, we are offering the
following programs: 
 Master of Public Policy (MPP) 
 Master of Development Policy (MDP) 

The KDI School was founded as an affiliated educational institution of the Korea Development
Institute (KDI), a premier government economic think tank at the forefront of social science
research for the past 40 years. Drawing from the resources of the institute, the KDI School
provides exceptional education that combines current academic theories with comprehensive
and innovative practical research to support the national vision and key policy agendas. 

The quality of our educational programs and faculty rivals with internationally renowned
institutions, and in 2014 our MPP program has been accredited by Network of Schools in Public
Policy, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA). This is the first NASPAA accreditation in
Korea, and the second outside USA. 

All lectures are conducted in English by renowned faculty with established credentials in the
public and/or the private sector attracting many international students around the globe. 

year, KDI School admits international students from over 70 different countries and about 70%
of them are from the public sector.
Please feel free to circulate enclosed leaflet among potential candidates in your country. 

deadline for application submission is May 25, 2016. 

I deeply appreciate your cooperation in advance and look forward to welcoming outstanding
scholarship beneficiaries from your country in the future. 


Hong Tack Chun,
Dean of KDI School of Public Policy and Management


KDI 국제정책대학원은 정부출연연구기관 등의 설립, 운영 및 육성에 관한 법률에 의하여 한국개발연구원(KDI)이 설립한 전문대학원입니다.


KDI 대학원은 한국의 경제발전 경험을 바탕으로 세계 경제발전에 기여할 글로벌 전문인력을 양성하고자 설립되었으며 이를 위하여 지난 17년간 전 세계 협력대상국의 경제 및 정책관련부처 공무원 등 핵심인재를 초청하여 교육함으로 친한 인재 양성에 기여하고 있습니다.


2016년도 가을학기 장학생 모집을 아래와 같이 진행하오니 많은 관심 바랍니다.

1. Programme

 a. MPP (Master of Public Policy : 정책학 석사)

 b. MDP (Master of Development Policy : 개발정책학 석사)


2. Durée d'études: environ 1.5~2 ans (Durée de séjour en Corée- 1ans)


3. Procédure

 a. Dépot de dossier : jusqu'au 25 mai 2016

 b. Entretiens : le juin 2016

 c. Publication du résultat :  le juillet 2016

 d. Début de cours : le septembre 2016


4. Renseignement

 a. Responsable : M. Cheol Hee SHIN

 b. Contact : (tél) 82-44-550-1281/1220



붙   임: 1. 2016년도 가을학기 모집홍보 리플릿(Leaflet) 1부 

              Leaflet for Fall 2016 Admissions_RS.pdf

            2. 2016년도 가을학기 모집요강(Application Guideline) 영문 1부

              Application Guideline_Fall 2016.pdf